Thursday, July 3, 2008

We did have a great time,RIGHT? As for me and my Organization,we are heading towards greater things. To you all,Bon chance!(Good-luck in French)


Anonymous said...

its good i can visit your
thanks to & w-tech for this opportunity.

its a great job you guys are doing in calabar and am sure there is more room for improvement especially with your blogger to be more friendly tanx

Fadekemi said...

Your blog looks nice. Keep being radiant. Till next time.

Patricia said...

Oh my God...I cant believe it tuk me 2 years to do this....
However with the help of Starcomm Izap, I have resolved to be a better user of my Blogg.

I maybe not be working with a Charity Organization at the meantime but I am doing my own charity work as best as I can.

Hello Ladies, very sorry for the very deadful silence....Hope all is welll with You. I still have to help RAWAS keep this blogg going.....
